
検索キーワード「twice cheer up」に一致する投稿を表示しています

√画像をダウンロード twice ooh aah 331275-Twice ooh aah lyrics

"Like OohAhh" (Korean 하게, OohAhh) is the debut title track by South Korean girl group Twice It is the first title track in the group's debut extended play, The Story Begins The album and music video was released on 1 Audio 11 Spotify 12 2 Lyrics 3 Trivia 4 Video Gallery The M/V of the song has more than 226 million views This is the first and so far, onlyIn this era, we can see that TWICE's Tzuyu looked youthful and innocent! Like OohAhh is the first song and debut of the girl group twice and is a strong attention grabber with addictive melody and a cheerful mood that's atypical of JYP idol groups Twice Like Ooh Ahh Poster Art Greeting Card By Elatham18 Redbubble Twice ooh aah lyrics

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